Sunday, August 22, 2010

Love me some Bob and Norma

Their Own Desire (1929) Robert Montgomery,  Norma Shearer
~ Photo courtesy of Olde Tymes on Flickr ~

I've mentioned Bob Montgomery, legendary Golden Age of Hollywood MGM leading man and solid reportoire player, who appeared on screen with Norma Shearer more than any other man.

I was on Youtube the other day and chanced upon this sweet video of clips of Bob and Norma flirting and kissing in their various career roles (they were most often cast as very good friends, he usually wanting to wed her, she usually wanting not to but not for any fault of his...and they seemed to genuinely care for and respect each other no matter their roles, even in 1931's Private Lives, in which their characters fight and bicker throughout).

Another big fan made it, someone named Tap2323, and I'm very grateful, for it is a perfect example of why I love Bob and Norma together, why I love watching them. They always leave me feeling better. The older I get, the more precious that kind of magic becomes to me. Hopefully, you'll experience the same. Enjoy!

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